Tilia Labs

An innovative company, Tilia Labs has been releasing intuitive pre-press software since 2012.  With years of experience, the Tilia Labs team have developed it’s flagship product Phoenix. A range of pre-press software designed with a focus on the needs of the packaging and print/label market. Receptive to feedback, the team release updates of their leading product in short cycles, to ensure you receive the latest and greatest features Phoenix has to offer…


Phoenix comes in three editions:

CAD, PDF, and PRO. All editions include a wide array of customizable, dynamic marks, full support for ALL PRESSES including Wide Format, the ability to export to OPEN STANDARDS such as PDF, JDF, PS, CFF2, accurate and time cost estimates, job reports and much more.

Griffin Wide format: ready, set, GO!
A powerful, insanely easy, automatic layout solution for wide format printers.

Helios Connect, manage, collaborate

Central command for connecting, managing, and collaborating on all your orders and jobs.