CHILI rendro - Online PDF & 3D viewing SDK

Obviously, you don’t want to host or save your PDFs out, if not for security reasons only. That’s why we decided not to give you a tool, but the actual toolset.

CHILI rendro comes as a JavaScript SDK implementation toolkit, so you can integrate the solution into yours and tailor the interface to your liking.

CHILI rendro exposes the object model you need to communicate with the PDF, your interface shows it.
That’s how we parse.

The innovative object streaming technique we’re using for this is unmatched and unrivalled. You’ll get a fast, efficient online viewing on any device supporting HTML5 canvas.
That’s how we stream.

CHILI rendro can also come with a 3D viewing module. Your design, fully rendered in the 3D application it is meant for.
That’s how you dream.

CHILI rendro

Online PDF & 3D viewing SDK

CHILI rendro is a JavaScript SDK that enables the full relief rendering of PDF files. Rendering is delivered via an innovative object streaming technique on any device supporting the HTML5 canvas, so you can view PDFs online – fast and efficiently. CHILI rendro can also come with a 3D module that displays the actual application of the PDF design.

the high end PDF viewer for complete, correct control.

The JavaScript SDK for fast, efficient PDF object model streaming.

The modular integration solution for direct, 3D visualisation.


Seeing is believing. CHILI rendro truly renders the PDF in full, revealing meticulous detail. Overprint, blending, transparency – they will never remain hidden when you’re using CHILI rendro. No more unexpected or unpleasant surprises, the devil will no longer be in these details.

Whether you’re on site or on the go, the innovative object streaming techniques ensures that the PDF is correctly rendered on any HTML5 enabling screen. You want to view the PDF in full or just page 193 of 2723? No stress, your selection is sent to a dedicated webpage, so you can consult it anywhere anytime.

And to make sure your documents stay safe and confidential, PDFs are never saved in CHILI rendro. We just stream them. That’s what the SDK is for.


The JavaScript SDK toolset gives you the tools to integrate the ultimate PDF experience into your solution, so PDFS are correctly rendered when and where they need to be. Not a pixel unrendered, so you can work as accurately as you possibly can.

On top of that, CHILI rendro can also come with a 3D viewing module. So you can immediately see how your design would turn out in real life. Well, the 3D showcase in any case. No more disappointed clients when the design has finally come to life. Stay ahead of the game, anticipate.

Lean and agile – the key ingredients to any software implementation. We add modular to the equation. CHILI rendro comes as an SDK, so implementation can fully be tailored to your developer’s code. You pick what you need and make the solution your own. We don’t want the credit for the solution, we want you to be happy. Use it, get better.

The proof of the SDK is in the rendering. CHILI rendro correctly renders PDF/X and PDF/A standards. It supports PDF version 1.0 up to 1.7. And let’s not forget to mention it correctly renders GWG PDF output suite 4 + 5 and Altona test suite. We’re not taking any chances when it comes to your reputation.


An SDK? You’ll need to get your tech team on board. They’ll be very happy to see that the Javascript SDK eliminates the need for a browser plug-in.Plus, it requires little configuration to make tech specs of the PDF available. On top of all that, CHILI rendro offers both server and client based processing services.

And you know we’re no stranger to the graphic arts production and prepress tools. We’ve poured all that knowledge in there too. For the greater good of any market you’re in