Metrix : v2015 released

Posted in News on March 16th, 2015
Metrix : v2015 released

Today EFI Released Metrix v2015

Metrix 2015.0 is a major new release with a significant number of new features. Metrix database schema has changed significantly. It will not be possible to downgrade a Metrix 2015 database to Metrix 2013.

New Features include:

New Component Picker

This feature enables the user to select products by a wide array of criteria including color, finished size, product type, and production date. This allows users to more quickly optimise layouts.

Auto Plan Selector

This feature allows the user to quickly preview each Auto Plan result on a layout by layout basis if desired. No more wondering if the “next best” result was actually preferable as the user can quickly preview all results.

Same Size Algorithm

Auto Plan has a new same size algorithm that dramatically increases the speed of Metrix Auto Plan. This algorithm can only be utilised when all products submitted to Auto Plan have the same finished size, bleed and offcut.

Export Profiles

Metrix now has the ability to save export profiles that can allow the user to quickly select multiple output profiles to consistently switch between export file types. A user might have an export profile for a proofer that exports a PDF to a hot folder on a RIP without exporting JDF cutter data, a export profile to write populated JDF to one workflow hot folder with cutting data, and a third output profile to export unpopulated JDF to a different workflow hot folder with JDF cutting and biding machine data. Export profiles makes these complex exports easy, simple and consistent across users.

Cutting Machines

Metrix now considers cutting when planning jobs. Metrix has a new Cutting Machines equipment type. When combined with basis weight information cutting machines information allows Metrix determine the optimal cutting plan and costs for a job.

Basis Weights

This is a new database resource that allows Metrix to understand stock weight/square inch for imperial stocks. This helps Metrix accurately calculate cutting costs of a particular stock for a job.

New Platform supported:

Mac OS 10.10 (Yosemite) All Metrix components (Client, Data Server and License Server) run in Apple’s newest Operating System.

Warning when a double sided product is assigned to a single sided layout

Metrix now warns the user if a double sided product is assigned to a single sided layout in the Layout Status pane on a component/component instance level.

New Metrix Mac OS License Server Status Window

Metrix License Server on the Mac OS now displays a Server Status Window that allows the user to easily see that the license server is running and verify various details including server version, password file name, dongle number, licensed concurrent users, edition, licensed modules, license expiration/permanent, listening status, connected users and available licenses.